Fire Damage Repairs, PAE Government Services Project
Description of Project:
TW was involved in replacing and repairing the brick wall, gate, pavements, guard-box, lighting, cameras and associated electricity services at the Baghdad Embassy Compound.
We relocated the water supply and constructed a concrete reinforced wall in two sections divided by an entrance driveway with a steel vehicle entrance gate and a smaller pedestrian gate with pavements. We fabricated a metal entrance gate, metal pedestrian gate and “Y” shaped barbed wire brackets for the top of the wall. The existing guard-box was refurbished with opening windows, interior and exterior paint and a new A/C unit. Barbed wire was then fitted to the entire wall and gates utilising the fabricated “Y” brackets.
Contract Date: June 2018 – July 2018
Contract Value: $75,264.00
Location: BEC, Baghdad, IRAQ
Reference Name: Ganesan Rajamani
Ref Contact:
Logistics and Procurement

Leaders in procurement and logistics, locally and internationally, our teams are dynamic and flexible. TW can respond very quickly to procure and deliver high-quality products that meet our customer’s specifications. Our experience and commitment mean we excel in this field and are number one in multi-border operations.